It looks like the move by Pos Malaysia have failed to deter me from shopping for online gadgets.
Now I am waiting for the second batch of new gadgets that will be flowing through my letterbox soon. Yikes! Really needs to control myself before things get out of hands.
Meanwhile, my friends has been asking why my other blog has been stagnant for the past few months.
Why there is no hype what so ever on Womens' World Cup 2010? Why do men get overly excited watching their male counterparts with body hugging shirts chase a ball but will not react equally to chick players?
Any (straight) guys want to clarify on this matter?
Please please please don't flag me for no reason.. I don't post neither frontal nudity nor full nudity here. Just because I am gay doesn't mean that I am a sex maniac/ pedophile/ sex addict etc.
Stumble upon this dare-to-die lad while running my weekend errands. Really respect his berani mati attitude. He is sporting enough to allow me to snap the picture of him with his shirt. (I had to crop it, out of respect- you guys can drools at his arms though.. LOL) Manage to get his phone number. Quite cute but (unfortunately) I am a one man person. Sigh!
After years of neck-tie wearing, I've just figure out today that I have been tying the knot the wrong way, thus damaging my precious silk ties. Sigh!
Sepatutnya, bila bilah kecil (small blade) tu ditarik/cabut keluar, (bilah besar) big blade akan terlerai dengan sendirinya. Tetapi, aku punya ikatan jadikan dia simpul mati.. Ahakz!
My (pathetic) ties collection
So, I google-d around and found this helpful diagram